GC Orthodontics






For almost a century, the dental industry has recognized GC  as being a top-tier provider for quality dental products. GC has proven their dedication to innovation and quality by continuously delivering new products and technology that have greatly contributed to improvements in dental care.

With an outstanding range of over 600 different product types - including Fuji Glass Ionomer, MI Paste, and COE alginate - GC continues to help improve the oral health of people all over the world.

GC Orthodontics is now working with orthodontists around the world to provide them with high-quality products – they already know and love – from a company they can count on to treat them fairly and support their practice with the highest standard of customer service.

For more company info read here

OS status Eneforhandler i Danmark og Sverige
Leverandør Firmaform Familieejet og grundlagt i 1885
Oprindetsesland Tyskland
Virksomhedskarakteristika En af verdens førende producent indenfor ortodonti produkter og Europas største